- Slim design and light weight, yet strong enough to get your plumbing job done.
Great working especially at the small holding area for tool such as two fitting located close together or short nipples where conventional pipe wrench can’t fit. - Made in Japan – MCC Corporation main factory

Pipe Wrench – Slim Fit
Model No. | Size | Capacity Outer Dia (US Pipe size) |
Weight Kg |
L | W | Y | t1 | t2 |
PWTDA300 | 300 | 49mm ( 1.1/2") | 0.60 | 322 | 77 | 24 | 13 | 13 |
PWTDA350 | 350 | 61mm ( 2") | 0.68 | 380 | 80 | 24 | 13 | 13 |

Four BIG Features
- Slim design
- The idea of 30% thinner jaws vs conventional pipe wrench was a bit adventure to our engineers, however it turned out to be a great unique pipe wrench which allows you to tighten the pipes and fittings where the conventional pipe wrench can’t.

- Light weight
- We successfully reduced the weight almost half by using aluminum forging. It's almost 50% lighter than the same size of steel handle and 15% lighter than the same size of aluminum casting handle model. For new installation, this can do all your plumbing work as the regular pipe wrench does.

- Wide opening
- It's definitely thin and slim design, yet we managed to keep the pipe capacity as the same size of regular pipe wrenches not diminishing any size of pipes to grab.

- Heavy duty jaws
- Try MCC original heavy duty jaw which was designed with the unique wavy line and special heat treatment additionally applied to the teeth surface to extend the lifetime of teeth.